Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! Reports

Panelists Reports

Aggregate Scores
This report provides information on general statistics for the aggregate of panelist total scores and a break down of the number of times a total score has occurred.
Appearances by Year
This report breaks down the number of times a panelist has appeared on a show for a given year. The counts excludes Best Of and Repeat shows.
Average Scores by Year
This report breaks down the average scores for a given panelist, broken out by year. The averages excludes scores from Best Of and Repeat shows; in addition to, scores from the 2018-10-27 show are also excluded, due to the unique scoring used.
Average Scores by Year: All
This report breaks down the average scores for all panelists, broken out by year. The averages excludes scores from Best Of and Repeat shows; in addition to, scores from the 2018-10-27 show are also excluded, due to the unique scoring used.
Bluff the Listener Statistics
This report provides a break down of the number of times each panelist has had their Bluff the Listener story chosen, had the correct story, and the number of appearances on both regular shows that had a Bluff the Listener segment and Best Of shows with unique Bluff the Listener segments.
Please note that the data for Bluff the Listener is not complete as audio from shows aired in 1998 and 1999 are not publicly available. Thus, panelists that do not appear on this list do not have any Bluff the Listener information entered from those shows.
Bluff the Listener Statistics by Year
This report allows you to lookup the Bluff the Listener statistics for a panelist, including how many times their story was chosen and how many times they had the correct story, aggregated by year.
Debut by Year
This report provides a break down of when panelists made their debut on the show, grouped by year.
First Appearance Wins
This report provides a list of panelists that have won outright or were tied for first place on their first appearance on the show.
Please note that the information in this report does not include information for panelists that had that won on their first appearance prior to January 2000. This is due to the lack of scoring information for those shows.
First and Most Recent Appearances
This report provides a list of panelists and their first appearance and most recent appearance on the show, for both regular shows and all shows, including Best Ofs and repeats.
Losing Streaks
This report provides a break down of the longest losing streak for each panelist. "All Losses" includes shows in which a panelist did not finish in first place or tied for first.
Panelist vs Panelist
This report allows you to lookup how well a panelist has faired against another panelist.
Panelist vs Panelist: All
This report compares on how well each all panelists have faired against other panelists based on their scores and ranking, broken down my panelist.
Panelist vs Panelist Scoring
A report that provides a way to lookup how well a panelist has scored against another panelist on a show-by-show basis.
Best Of, repeat and special shows, including the 20th anniversary show that aired on 2018-10-27, will not be included in the results.
Perfect Score Counts
This report provides a count for how many times a panelist that has had a total score of 20 points, which Bill Kurtis calls a "perfect score", or higher. The counts exclude any scores from Best Of and repeat shows.
Rankings Summary
This report provides statistics for the ranking of each panelist after each show.
Single Appearance
This report provides a list of panelists that have made only one appearance on the show, excluding any Best Of and Repeat shows.
Statistics by Gender
This report provides a break down of panelist statistics grouped by the gender that each panelist has identified themselves as.
Statistics Summary
This report provides a break down of scoring statistics for each panelist.
Win Streaks
This report provides a break down of the longest winning streak for each panelist. "All Wins" includes shows in which a panelist did not finish in first place or tied for first.