Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! Reports

Aggregate Scores

This report provides information on general statistics for the aggregate of panelist total scores and a break down of the number of times a total score has occurred.

Aggregate Score Statistics

Statistic Value
Count 3444
Minimum 2
Maximum 25
Mean 12.97445
Median 13
Standard Deviation 3.06192
Sum 44684

Aggregate Score Spread

Score Count
2 8
3 5
3.5 1
4 14
4.5 1
5 17
6 48
6.5 2
7 67
7.5 1
8 97
8.5 2
9 148
9.5 3
10 253
10.5 1
11 299
12 490
12.5 3
13 434
13.5 1
14 479
15 406
15.5 1
16 271
16.5 1
17 199
18 102
18.5 2
19 52
20 18
20.5 1
21 5
21.5 1
22 3
22.5 1
23 2
23.5 1
24 2
24.5 1
25 1